Berné 1 forest

Discover our Berné 1 in Brittany, the work we do there and the trees you can buy
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About Berné 1 forest

About Berné 1 forest

The Berné 1 forest is located in the hinterland of Lorient in Brittany in France. This plantation dates back to 1991, and has long suffered from a lack of management. The site has been recognised as a type II Natural Zone of Interest for Ecology, Fauna and Flora (ZNIEFF). EcoTree acquired the forest in 2020 and has since been working to improve the Douglas fir stand on the plot.
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Key information

Project start date: Jun 11, 2020

Certification: PEFC

Land area: 4 ha

Social action: none

Biodiversity features: Type II ZNIEFF - Landordu stream

Open to the public: 01/03 to 01/09

EcoTree’s forestry actions

EcoTree’s forestry actions

This forest has been marked and the timber from a thinning cut was sold. The thinning was carried out when management was taken over in order to improve the Douglas fir stand and remove as many poorly shaped stems as possible. The French Code of Good Forestry Practice (CBPS) was also submitted and validated.
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ecotree forester at work

Our trees available for purchase

Discover the trees that inhabit the forest, become owners and support their sustainable management

EcoTree’s actions for biodiversity

EcoTree’s actions for biodiversity

We are currently in exploring which biodiversity actions that we can implement in the forest.
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photo of a bird

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