30. sep. 2022

Buy a tee and get a tree!

Superstainable and EcoTree have created a t-shirt to support the mission of planting tree’s in Denmark.

Kia Eg
Kia EgB2C Vækst- og Markedsføringsmanager
Buy a tee and get a tree!

Superstainable and EcoTree have created a t-shirt to support the mission of planting tree’s in Denmark. The text on the t-shirt is made with humanistic touch, but a very meaningful one: “May the Forest be with you”.

Every time you buy a t-shirt, a tree will be planted and you will receive a certificate, that you own the tree. Thomas Norman Canguilham, CEO of EcoTree International tells: "EcoTree is a completely new way to think about the forest. Our aim is to bring as many people as possible into our sustainable forestry, so we each have a personal motivation to protect the forest. That's why everyone can own the trees in our forest, and thereby have a bigger incitement to take care of nature."

A close-to-sustainable-made-to-order setup

Only t-shirts that have been ordered will be produced. All t-shirts are GOTS certified (CU1001697), which is the highest organic certification on the market. The sales will only go on for 2 weeks until the 14th of October. After that, the sales will close and the production will get going so that the t-shirts can be home before Christmas.

Emil Rasmussen, Head of Marketing and Sustainability at Superstainable tells: “We're collaborating with EcoTree because they share the same environmental policy and attitude as us. EcoTree is a B-corp organization that is really doing a great job, so it was natural for us to do the partnership with them and support their great mission. "

“We at EcoTree hope that this project will inspire other people and companies to think into more sustainable campaigns,” says Thomas, CEO of EcoTree International.

Buy your t-shirt right here - remember it's only online until the 14th of October 2022.

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