Welcome to our blog

Explore our growing Kalundborg forestExplore our growing Kalundborg forest
Louise Frederikke Kofoed-DamJul 25, 2024
BlogThe complete guide to understanding carbon creditsLouise Frederikke Kofoed-DamJun 11, 2024
BlogTree Talk: Exploring the Communication of ForestsLouise Frederikke Kofoed-DamMay 27, 2024
BlogThe Old Gravel Forest in Nysum: Nature sets the pace for the plantingsLouise Frederikke Kofoed-DamMay 10, 2024
BlogA Sunny Forest Visit in the Newly Planted Oroe-Margrete ForestLouise Frederikke Kofoed-DamMay 8, 2024
BlogFrom Rocky Soil to Forest Revival: Planting the Syndicat ForestLouise Frederikke Kofoed-DamApr 29, 2024
BlogOvercoming Steep Slopes and Sandy Terrain in AjouxLouise Frederikke Kofoed-DamApr 29, 2024
BlogHighlights from our year in the woods 2023Louise Frederikke Kofoed-DamDec 21, 2023
BlogTrees are the best air conditioner!Louise Frederikke Kofoed-DamJul 7, 2023
Blog2022 - EcoTree key highlightsLouise Frederikke Kofoed-DamDec 21, 2022
BlogEcoTree recently joined the UN Global CompactLouise Frederikke Kofoed-DamApr 22, 2022
BlogWhat does it mean to be PEFC certified?Louise Frederikke Kofoed-DamMar 8, 2022
BlogOne billion reasons why biodiversity is indispensable for the planet and for usLouise Frederikke Kofoed-DamFeb 15, 2022