Maritime Pine: Importance & Use

Maritime pines are fast growing trees that can reach 30 meters in height

3427Arbre13420%FR PineMaritime Pine - Guiscriff Forest (56) Guiscriff Forest 56
Maritime Pine DKK 134
Age: 0 to 2 years old
Guiscriff Forest
Morbihan, Brittany, France
3430Arbre13420%FR PineMaritime Pine - Guiscriff Forest (56) Guiscriff Forest 56
Maritime Pine DKK 134
Age: 0 to 2 years old
Guiscriff Forest
Morbihan, Brittany, France
3431Arbre13420%FR PineMaritime Pine - Guiscriff Forest (56) Guiscriff Forest 56
Maritime Pine DKK 134
Age: 0 to 2 years old
Guiscriff Forest
Morbihan, Brittany, France
3425Arbre13420%FR PineMaritime Pine - Guiscriff Forest (56) Guiscriff Forest 56
Maritime Pine DKK 134
Age: 0 to 2 years old
Guiscriff Forest
Morbihan, Brittany, France
3827Arbre13420%FR PineMaritime Pine - Nouïc Forest (87) Nouïc Forest 87
Maritime Pine DKK 134
Age: 0 to 2 years old
Nouïc Forest
Haute-Vienne, Nouvelle-Aquitaine, France
4160Arbre13420%FR PineMaritime Pine - Berné 2 Forest (56) Berné 2 Forest 56
Maritime Pine DKK 134
Age: 2 to 4 years old
Berné 2 Forest
Morbihan, Brittany, France

Maritime Pine

Maritime pines ( Pinus pinaster ) are very widespread, covering more than 10% of woodlands in France. They are part of the Pinaceae family. Originating from southwestern Europe, this species is common on the Atlantic and Mediterranean coasts.

Why does EcoTree plant maritime pines?

EcoTree mainly plants maritime pines in forests with sandy soils and low fertility. Oak trees planted under the cover of maritime pines face significantly less insect damage thanks to insect-eating birds which frequent maritime pines.

Maritime Pine - Overview

Maritime Pine - Overview

Their bark is thick and extremely fissured, orange-brown to purple in color with brown twigs. Branches grow horizontally, starting from the trunk, but tend to thin out near the bottom as the tree grows. Their shoots are tapered with reflective scales. Evergreen needles are grouped in pairs, growing 15 to 25 cm long. They are rigid and strong, dark grey-green in colour, very shiny, and point towards the tip of the branches.
Blossoms appear in April/May. The males are light yellow and females are purply red. The male cones produce a large amount of yellow pollen which is dispersed by the wind in a "sulphuric rain." The female cones are long, oval shapes which appear green before taking on a shiny, reddish-brown colour upon reaching maturity around the autumn of their third year - showing they can remain on the tree for years.
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Maritime Pine

Maritime Pine - Species requirements

Maritime pines, as the name suggests, withstand sea spray and strong winds, meaning they're found mainly near the Atlantic and Mediterranean. They also help stabilise the dunes since they can bear sandy soil. The species is calcifuge, meaning they don't tolerate alkaline soils, and doesn't need lots of fertilizer, but is desperate for light and heat. Maritime pines thrive in poor but deep soils that drain well, preferably acidic and moist. They tolerate drought, but struggle in harsh winters. These pines are therefore very cold sensitive, which limits their natural progression north. Their plantation is planned between October and April, excluding the frost period of course.

The Maritime Pine's wood

Their dark red, hard, heavy, resinous heartwood and light sapwood characterise maritime pines. Slightly springy, they resist compression well, but aren't very flexible and crack easily. They can be worked, nailed, and painted easily. Their wood is used by carpenters and joiners, especially for wooden floors, but it's also used to make columns, boxes, and more. In the past, they've been harvested for their resin from which we get turpentine.

The Maritime Pine's Symbolism

Sometimes called the "golden tree," the maritime pine is the embodiment of power, determination, and vital force due to the persistence of its foliage. This species is also symbolic of energy and vigour because of its resistance to winds and storms.
Thanks to its determined character, it's an original and lasting gift to give to someone as a graduation gift . Offer a maritime pine to your loved ones to mark their success, determination, courage, energy, and commitment to their career goals, schooling, apprenticeships, ambitions, and more.

Give a tree , the original graduation gift - an opportunity to congratulate your loved one while also making a gift to the environment ! Offer a maritime pine!