Take concrete action as an ambassador

Raise your employees' awareness of environmental issues to transform your work practices

The objectives

The objectives

Understand how CSR strategy is created within a company

Identify the levers available to employees to act on a daily basis

Conduct a collective reflection around concrete environmental commitments

Determine a personal action plan to change work/office practices

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Training programme

Introduction to the workshop

Understanding the ecological transition (30 min)

The challenges of the ecological transition.

Climate disruption and the contribution to global carbon neutrality for businesses.

The importance of biodiversity and its interdependence with business.


Impact in the workplace

The ecological transition in the office (60 min)

Addressing the topics of the ecological transition in the context of work as a team.

Sharing and challenging the explored avenues for improvement with the other groups.


Impact in jobs

The ecological transition in your business (60 min)

Suggest ways of integrating the ecological transition into each of the company's businesses.

Discuss in teams to identify key levers and ways to activate them.


Impactful actions

Becoming an ambassador (30 min)

Define an individual roadmap for changing your office habits to integrate the ecological transition into your job.

Determine how to increase the impact of your actions within the company.


Updated on 30/01/2023

CES04 - Version 4

GTC ecotree academy