Welcome to our blog

How to start a green community projectHow to start a green community project
Kia EgOct 29, 2021
BlogWhat happens in the forest in autumn?Kia EgSep 15, 2021
BlogWhy we’re installing birdhouses in forestsKia EgAug 31, 2021
BlogWhat is greenwashing and why is it bad?Kia EgAug 30, 2021
BlogHighlights from the EcoTree annual reportKia EgAug 24, 2021
BlogWe’ve a whole lot of love for Luthenay forestKia EgJul 30, 2021
BlogHow biochar can help build a greener futureKia EgJul 12, 2021
BlogEcoTree just got a new intern and biochar specialist in the team, meet Pablo!Kia EgJul 7, 2021
BlogWhy everyone’s chatting about Châtelain forestKia EgJun 29, 2021
Blog10 ways to reduce your climate impact – how you can make a difference!Kia EgJun 21, 2021
BlogAt trip to the forest and remembering who we areKia EgJun 9, 2021
BlogThe Louargat forest - from left to lovedKia EgMay 28, 2021
BlogWhat’s the buzz about bees?Kia EgMay 11, 2021