Mar 10, 2021

Meet a tree owner - this is Hayley!

This is Hayley, a forest subscriber who enriches French forests with five trees every month.

Meet a tree owner - this is Hayley!

Our tree owners mean the world to us! And we would like to know all of you better, which is why we’ve interviewed Hayley, one of our many forest subscribers.

This is Hayley, one of our amazing tree owners! She’s from South Africa but is currently relocating to the UK. At this very moment, she owns 29 trees. Every month, she receives five new trees with her forest subscription. These trees enrich European forests and make her green impact even bigger.

We've asked Hayley four questions about her tree ownership and EcoTree.

Why did you become a tree owner?
“I had been looking for sustainable ways to invest money when I discovered EcoTree - and I've been obsessed with the model ever since.”

What do you think of EcoTree?
“I think it's an incredibly innovative and simple solution and I am excited to see it grow in the coming years - and I'm expecting this growth to be quite explosive.”

Please tell us an EcoTree story
“The first tree I bought on EcoTree was a birthday gift for my partner. We had been (and still are) speaking about how we can better reduce and offset our carbon footprint as well as what it takes to just plant loads of trees (in a way that is useful for the environment). When I found EcoTree I knew it would be a perfect birthday gift - my discovery was two months early so it was a real struggle keeping it a secret. I succeeded though and, as expected, my gift came out tops (and the competition was not easy).”

Have you engaged in environmental-friendly investment/donation previously?
“I have contributed to carbon offset programs given my work has, pre-COVID, entailed a lot of flying. However, I've always found it a bit more complicated to evaluate the value and accuracy of the standard carbon offset programs.”

A huge thank you to Hayley! Are you a tree-owner and would like to tell us about your experience as one? Please contact us at


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Our selection of trees

Our goal is to enable anyone to do something that benefits nature and helps us to live in a more harmonious world. So why not become a tree owner in a European forest and help combat climate change?

Maritime Pine €14.40
Age: 0 to 2 years old
Ploërdut 4 Forest
Morbihan, Brittany, France
Chestnut €18
Age: 20 to 25 years old
Launay Guen Forest
Côtes-d'Armor, Brittany, France
Age: 4 to 6 years old
Gioux Forest
Creuse, Nouvelle-Aquitaine, France

Please note that this is promotional communication. See our notice of information.

See our trees