Dec 21, 2022
2022 - EcoTree key highlights
Our trees have grown, as well has our company commercially. Read about our key achievements and get insight on this year's development, successes, and great news.

Many great things have happened at EcoTree this year. Our forests have grown (of course!), and we’ve grown commercial and added in-house expertise to our team too. As we come to the end of the year, EcoTree has a presence in Denmark, Sweden, Netherlands, Belgium, France, UK, Ireland and Switzerland. We love working with and engaging so many brilliant people and companies across Europe who share our dedication to nature and climate.
New office for our International team
Our international hub is still in Copenhagen, but the office has a new address. With new team members joining this year and our office dog Milo always around, we simply couldn't fit into our old space. So in January, we packed up and moved over to a brand new office that has allowed us to welcome new faces and all work together in a lovely, comfortable environment.
Beyond the forests, we’ve broadened our scope
2022 was also the year we decided to broaden our scope by adding more nature-based solutions to our core tree ownership offer. Of course, making it possible for anyone to buy and own trees is still at the heart of what we do, as it improves biodiversity, captures carbon and supports sustainable forestry. But we now also make it easy for companies to support tailored, verified projects across Europe that restore ecosystems and promote agroforestry. The aim is always the same – to have a positive impact on people and the planet by taking real, tangible action.
First saplings planted in Danish soil
In May, we planted the very first saplings on our two Danish plots, which over time will grow into lush forests. In total, we have planted 45,000 saplings across 10 hectares of land in Kalundborg and Thisted. As you know, nature and climate go hand-in-hand for us at EcoTree. Our Danish forests will do the important job of capturing and storing CO2 but the land is also crucial for restoring ecosystems and supporting biodiversity in the area, which has been in poor condition for many years.
The trees we planted on our land in Kalundborg are mainly oak, alder, hornbeam, forest apple, maple and Norway spruce. Although it will take many years for the trees to grow big enough to be used for timber, in just a few years they will be home to lots of local plants and wildlife. As the trees grow, plants and flowers will sprout, insects will move in, and small animals will build nests and burrows around the forest. Supporting biodiversity is a key focus for us. Therefore, we also have plans to build hives for honey bees on our land in Kalundborg. They will help pollinate the local plants and flowers and play an important role in conserving the biodiversity of the forest.
Our land in Thisted, which is planted with maple, oak, winter oak, mountain ash and hawthorn, also has nice wetlands and meadows. We are working to maintain and expand these, so they can become even more thriving and safe homes for local flora and fauna.
The neighbour's cow is grazing the meadows on this land and it actually plays a key role when it comes to the local biodiversity. When the tall grass is grazed by cows, other, lower plants and flowers emerge and get access to more sunlight. As more flowers sprout, local wild bees have access to plenty of nectar and pollen, which they use for energy. This will also help attract even more bees and other pollinators to pollinate the trees, plants and flowers of the forest.
As you hopefully see, nature and climate go hand in hand for us. Our work is not only about trees and our forests do not only do the important job of capturing and storing CO2. Our land is also vital for ecosystem restoration to support biodiversity which has had poor conditions for many years now.
Explore our Danish forests
Rewarded by Mastercard for our environmental impact
This autumn we competed in a programme organised by Mastercard MASSIV Lighthouse for environmental impact companies that want to scale their business. EcoTree was recognised for our ability to help individuals and companies take climate action and preserve biodiversity. We learnt a lot and made some fantastic, important connections through the programme. The experience will help us continue to scale our business and bring our tree ownership model to many more people and companies.
Read the press release
Key highlights
In the global top 5%
For the second year in a row, we have been recognised by the B Lab Corporation and named one of its Best For The World™ 2022 companies in the environment category. That puts EcoTree in the global top 5% of B Corps for our size and in our specialist impact area. We are really proud of that achievement!
Signed the Nature for Business pledge
In November, EcoTree signed the Nature For Business pledge. Together with 1100 other companies committed worldwide, we call on governments to require large companies and financial institutions to assess and disclose their dependence and impact on nature by 2030. We ask that they implement ambitious incentive policies that will push businesses to deliver on their commitments to natural ecosystems.
€12 million in funding
We raised €12 million in funding in June, and welcomed new investment partners: Société Générale Ventures, Financière Fonds Privés and Famae Impact, to help us on our journey towards becoming the leading European Nature-Based Solutions provider.
Part of the UN Global Compact
In 2022, we also became a part of the UN Global Compact and are now committed to the UN Global Compact corporate responsibility initiative and its principles in the areas of human rights, labour, the environment and anti-corruption, thereby reinforcing its existing commitment to environmental, economic and social sustainability.