Ornithological monitoring
Selection of nest box sites where there is an identified habitat deficit Installation of nesting boxes Monitoring before and after the work using a protocol from the Natural History Museum with the addition of a participatory science programme. Inventories are carried out by identifying bird songs.
Awareness raising
Creation of an interactive educational trail Workshop to raise awareness of biodiversity issues for schoolchildren and the general public
Action in favour of wild pollinators
Setting up surveys of the wild bees present on the site Establishment of melliferous species adapted to the environment and to the present and potential pollinators
Ornithological monitoring
Selection of nesting box sites where there is an identified habitat deficit. Monitoring before and after the work using a protocol from the French National Museum of Natural History and a participatory science programme. Inventories are carried out by identifying bird songs.
Raising awareness of biodiversity issues
Creation of an interactive educational trail. Workshops to raise awareness of biodiversity issues for school children and the general public.
Actions in favour of wild pollinators
Conducting inventory of the wild bees present on the site. Establishment of honey plants adapted to the environment and to the present and potential pollinators.
Contribute to 4.8 m2 of biodiversity
10€Contribute to 9.6 m2 of biodiversity
20€Choose your impact