Creation of an untouched forest to preserve habitats for biodiversity to flourish

Participate in the preservation of biodiversity

Did you know?

Untouched forests are becoming increasingly important for biodiversity. That is why we are developping this project.
Even in a forest where timber is cut, the implementation of certain protocols makes it possible to maintain or even increase the biodiversity of the forest ecosystem. This means preserving the natural habitats of the species that depend on the forest. A dead tree, a stump, or old forests that may appear useless are in fact places of life that are home to many species of insects and birds. Preserving old trees or dead wood, in a reasonable proportion (such as one dead tree per hectare), allows us to respect the balance of the forest ecosystem.
Our offer covers all the steps of the Monceaux-sur-Dordogne forest, from the preservation of the environment to the preservation of habitats and the creation of new habitats and food sources.
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collected of €431,312




A hundred years ago, most of the land was used for vineyards. In the 1850s, the "phylloxera" aphid decimated the vines, which the winegrowers did not replant in the region. Some plots were then used for firewood production. The oldest trees in the forest of Monceaux-sur-Dordogne are 30 to 50 years old. A stream runs below the plot and it is an essential environment for the salmon and the trouts that reproduce there.
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Our actions

Ornithological monitoring

Selection of nest box sites where there is an identified habitat deficit Installation of nesting boxes Monitoring before and after the work using a protocol from the Natural History Museum with the addition of a participatory science programme. Inventories are carried out by identifying bird songs.

Awareness raising

Creation of an interactive educational trail Workshop to raise awareness of biodiversity issues for schoolchildren and the general public

Action in favour of wild pollinators

Setting up surveys of the wild bees present on the site Establishment of melliferous species adapted to the environment and to the present and potential pollinators

Ornithological monitoring

Selection of nesting box sites where there is an identified habitat deficit. Monitoring before and after the work using a protocol from the French National Museum of Natural History and a participatory science programme. Inventories are carried out by identifying bird songs.

Raising awareness of biodiversity issues

Creation of an interactive educational trail. Workshops to raise awareness of biodiversity issues for school children and the general public.

Actions in favour of wild pollinators

Conducting inventory of the wild bees present on the site. Establishment of honey plants adapted to the environment and to the present and potential pollinators.

Support the project

Contribute to 4.8 m2 of biodiversity



Contribute to 9.6 m2 of biodiversity



Choose your impact

24 m²