A home for herpetofauna

Reptiles and amphibians need your help! With your support, we can give them vital shelter and help preserve the biodiversity of ponds and wetlands.

Did you know?

In our French forests, many reptiles and amphibians (also known as herpetofauna) are classified as ‘threatened with extinction’ on the national red list. That’s why we want to run a biodiversity project to create hibernacula near ponds, which will allow them to survive and reproduce. These cave-like microhabitats will provide a crucial shelter, food resource, breeding site and thermoregulation zone. For the local amphibians and reptiles, a hibernaculum is the perfect place to rest, find safety and keep warm when the temperature drops.
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DKK 44,580

collected of DKK 44,752




We would like to start a project to install and monitor hibernacula to preserve the herpetofauna of our Malicorne forest. The project, overseen by our biodiversity and forestry experts, aligns with our overall commitment to preserving biodiversity. The hibernacula will be located on the edge of our forest in the Sarthe region, in a warm, sunny area near a pond or wetland. That's where they will best meet the needs of the forest's amphibians and reptiles, encouraging the populations to develop and move around their natural habitat.

The principle of a hibernaculum is to create a stack of inert and coarse materials so that the gaps and cavities serve as shelter for the fauna. The whole structure is covered with vegetation and/or geotextile and soil to prevent the core from becoming saggy and oversaturated. Access is ensured through non-clogged openings.
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Our actions

Choose an ideal location

Our experts choose a sunny location on the edge of the forest that is suitable for amphibians and reptiles.

Install the hibernacula

We set up cave-like shelters that have been created and adapted for the local amphibians and reptiles.

Monitor the herpetofauna

Our experts monitor the amphibians and reptiles remotely and identify those that are thermoregulating two years after installation, in spring and summer.