Meaning & uses of the cedar

Cedars are some of the most majestuous trees of the Pinacea family


The cedar (Cedrus) belongs to the Pinacea genius and is a tall conifer (it can grow to 40 m high) originally from North Africa, the Middle East, and the Himalayas. It is long-lived, often lasting several centuries. There are several different species of cedar throughout the world. The Cedar is Lebanon's symbol and its silhouette is on the country's flag.

Warum pflanzt EcoTree Zedern?

Der fortschreitende Klimawandel zeigt die Grenzen von Arten auf, die sich bisher an ihre Umwelt angepasst haben. Angesichts dieser Situation muss EcoTree seine Bewirtschaftung anpassen und die Verwendung von Arten in Betracht ziehen, die weniger empfindlich auf Trockenheit reagieren. Die Zeder ist eine solche Art.

Zeder -

Zeder -

The best-known species are the Cedar of Lebanon, the Cedar of the Himalayas of the Cedar of the Atlas. The tree can be of different colors. There are numerous green species, but also blue or red ones. The tree was introduced in Europe to reforest several areas, in particular the Pyrenees.

The cedar has a tight pyramid shape when it is young. Its top flattens out and its branches spread out, which gives the impression of separate floors. Its beautiful persistent foliage is made of short needles in rosettes. The cones, that are grey or brown depending on the species, mature over 2 or 3 years and drop progressively from the tree.
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Zeder - Species requirements

The cedar usually grows between 1400 m and 2000m of altitude but grows well in the plain. The cedar grows well on all sorts of soil, even acid or chalky ones, as long as they are well-drained because stagnant humidity would drown its roots. It appreciates warm and sunny locations (who doesn't ?) and grows well in them, and to develop well it needs space. The cedar is very hardy and can even survive atmospheric pollution.

Cedar wood

The cedar wood is rot-proof. It has been used since antiquity to produce ship hulls or caskets of precious jewels and even sarcophagi. Nowadays, cedar's wood is used to create jewelry boxes or precious caskets. The wood repulses woodworms, insects and other creepy-crawlies that attack other types of wood. In aromatherapy, the essential oil of the tree is used for its healing, antiseptic, astringent and decongestant properties, or just to ward off mosquitoes.

Symbols of the cedar

Because of its characteristics (size, diameter, lifespan), the cedar has become a symbol of greatness, of nobility, of strength and of incorruptibility. In the 3rd century, Origen wrote: "The Cedar never rots; using the cedar to build our homes is to preserve our soul from corruption." For Celtic astrology, the cedar symbolizes trust.

If you wish to offer a gift to your employees, the cedar is an ideal gift, as a symbol of team spirit and shared belonging. Offer a cedar to your employees to highlight how much you value an employee's contribution!

Wähle deinen Baum

Unser Ziel ist es, jedem die Möglichkeit zu geben, etwas zu tun, das der Natur zugute kommt und uns hilft, in einer harmonischeren Welt zu leben. Warum werden Sie also nicht Baumbesitzer in einem europäischen Wald und helfen, den Klimawandel zu bekämpfen?

Douglasie 18 €
Alter: 4 bis 6 Jahre alt
Der Gioux Wald
Creuse, Nouvelle-Aquitaine, Frankreich
Wintereiche 18 €
Alter: 55 bis 60 Jahre alt
Der Launay Guen Wald
Côtes-d'Armor, Bretagne, Frankreich
See-kiefer 18 €
Alter: 30 bis 35 Jahre alt
Yzeures-sur-Creuse Wald
Indre-et-Loire, Centre Val-de-Loire, Frankreich

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